Gratitude is the balm that soothes the hurting souls and calms the turbulent minds. Practicing gratitude provides satisfaction and a positive state of mind which takes away the psychological aspects of anxiety and distress and promotes calmness and serenity. However, the uncontrolled physical effects of anxiety and distress like fatigue, exhaustion, anorexia, insomnia etc. may need medications. This positive psychological state of mind makes us look at the positive side of things, even when they have gone wrong. It makes us view the glass as half full rather than half empty. We start to think that things could have been worse, that we got away with only a scratch when grave wounds were possible. While looking around, we get convinced how fortunate we are, to be in a relatively better situation. In a positive state of mind when things go wrong and we suffer loss, we realize the value of what we have lost. It is only when things go wrong and we fall that we learn how to get up, something that those who never fall may never learn.

It is not always the God that we turn to with gratitude. There are people with Godly actions who deserve the same reverence, such as those who provide selfless service, who care and share, who appreciate other’s merits and wisdom, who become a beam of light to show the path in surrounding darkness of ignorance. They all are worthy of gratitude.

The knowledge that one is not alone, that there are others to whom one belongs and who are always there in the hour of need assures and calms the mind. We all feel grateful for being there for each other. Gratitude is the best thing, perhaps the only thing at times by which one may repay for the favors of any kind by anyone.

Expression of gratitude shows our humility and our appreciation of kindness. It overcomes fear and anxiety and restores calmness and serenity of mind.

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Thank you for an inspiring post and your dedication to healing others! Our Girls Inc. girls made a phenomenal choice several years ago when they selected you as an UnBought and UnBossed honoree! Please let us know how we can help the Erlanger staff. Bea Lurie

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We are so grateful for you and your colleagues! Keep up this courageous work. β€” the sign was made by my 17 year old son, Max:) πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

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