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This post is screaming of desperation with the prevailing atmosphere and circumstances in the world in general and in the USA in particular. Some one has rightly said that while the world is coping with one virus, the Covod-19, USA is coping with two viruses, that of Covid-19 and of Racism. Mukta has asked why this is happening in 2020. Unfortunately, this has been the way of the world for the past many centuries, ever since the principle of might is right became the key to success leading to imperialism and subjugation of the underprivileged. Invariably this happened because of the ego and hunger for power by some. Often this has been done in the name of either religious crusades and conversions or to establish the supremacy of one and one race only, be it for Aryan purity or white supremacy. Repeated wars, local regional or the world wars are evidence for this. I think it was Winston Churchill who so aptly described this phenomenon as, when in war, long for peace, and when in peace, prepare for war. One can understand the natural calamity like the Corona virus, if indeed it is natural, but man-made calamities like unrests because of color, race, religion or gender are sparked by suppressed internal hatreds and instigated by vested interests.

Inherent human nature is that of peace and love. This can be seen in a newborn of any color, race, religion, or gender. It is the influence of the nurturing of the innocent human children that fills them with prejudices, discriminations, and hatred. Why then to blame the younger generations for how they react under provocations?

No energy can be suppressed for too long, including the emotional energy within every human being. Everyone knows the outcome of suppressed energy, be it in the form of the eruptions of volcanoes or mass uprisings amongst humanity. This energy must find a let out. It is for the leaders and those in power to either let it continue to be destructive or to harness it and channelize it for purposeful means.

All uprisings, mass movements and ultimately the revolutions are the results of top level management failures , be they economic, political, or religious. When average expectations of common people to live in peace and harmony and with dignity are belied, they cannot be blamed for coming together as a unified force against suppression.

Mukta refers to Mahatma Gandhi. He is the living example of leadership that harnessed the massive energy of the masses to bring down even the mightiest empire. Let not the powers that be in anywhere in the world underestimate the outcome of popular uprisings of humanity coming together for a common cause of resisting suppression of any kind, economical, racial, religious, or political.

As to what we can offer, we should offer space for human minds to grow freely without prejudices of any kind. What we can receive is the inherent goodness of human beings expressed as love and respect, gratitude, and cooperation to coexist.

Let no one expect these from others. You will get what you give. Peace within spreads peace without. It is all up to us, each one of us. United we stand as one. There are no others then.

The buck stops with us, with each one of us.

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