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The very first step towards recharge and restoration is that of realization.

No one does anything or thinks of doing anything till the need for that thought or action is realized. Everything then follows naturally.

Realization requires reflection on your own actions, reactions, attitudes and essential needs.

This reflection leading to realization should become a natural daily habit, like eating and sleeping. Ideally it should be done at least twice a day, at the beginning of the day to set a tentative plan of actions, and again at the end of the day before retiring to cross check the tasks achieved. This may obviate the spontaneity of actions and reactions some of which may reveal your own negative side. Invariably everyone will plan with positive thoughts and purposeful and useful actions. Only the sick minds would plan otherwise.

The next step, as you begin your day, is that of accommodation and adjustments. It will be foolish to bang your head against a wall where there is no door. There is a time to take a stand and a time and place to let go. This will make you reconcile and relax, thus restoring your physical and mental energy.

Lastly, one cannot relax unless one’s conscience is clear. Since you started and executed your plans with clear conscience of helping everyone and harming no one, including yourself, you can close your eyes and rest. You can control only your thoughts and actions; the reactions and results are not in your control. These must be left to many factors, including circumstances and destiny.

Everyone has love and care to give and share. It is an inherent instinct of life, any form of life! One is born with this nascent emotion and gift. It is like the sunshine of a fresh new day. It becomes invisible and impractical only when it gets clouded by the mist of anger, ego, jealousy and greed. Once you do not allow these emotions

to cloud your conscience while thinking, acting and reacting, you may remain relaxed, serene and happy. These issues must factor when you take stock of the day that has passed and in planning for the next day.

Start loving yourself and sharing your joy with others. Smile and endeavor to put smile on every other face. Start with prayers for everyone and expressing gratitude for every little act of generosity. It will restore and recharge your energy automatically.

This practice however, may appear difficult. But with patience and perseverance, nothing should be impossible.

We all have been created to belong to, and to care and share with each other. Let us not forget this purpose of our lives.

The six ‘R’s listed above will surely lead to the seventh ‘R’, that of relaxation, so essential for rejuvenation and restoration of energy.

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