Thank you for these encouraging words of wisdom during the time of crisis and calamities. This a major test for us, human, to refocus on our priorities and set aside our differences.
To start with, the current pandemic has achieved the impossible, something that has never been achieved by humans as far as I can remember. It has brought humanity together. Although, physically separating individuals, human beings on this planet today are united intellectually and spiritually as never before in a single cause: to save themselves from this natural calamity called Corona Virus. No calamity in the past, neither the natural ones like fires, floods or famines nor the man made catastrophes like wars, crusades and genocides have thrown humans in such a panic for survival. I, being an optimist cannot miss to recognize the positivity even in this worst destructive disaster for humankind.
Being faithful, I strongly believe that whatever God does is always for our good. Atheists have invariably mocked and questioned the believers as to what good could there be in disasters, natural or man made, either for individuals or for the entire human race. All we believers can say is that our imaginations and our intelligence will always fall short in fathoming the designs of the Almighty, or that our scientific resources will always be inadequate to gauge the positive outcomes of such calamities and disasters.
The Lord has his own way to restore balance in creation, between nature and the nurtured. Whenever humans have failed to control themselves voluntarily and democratically in the magnitude of their multiplications and/or in their disastrous egoistic and destructive pursuits, the Lord intervenes to restore sense and semblance amongst humanity. Mythology and history have abundant examples of such happenings. It is a pity that selectivity cannot be maintained in such a mass movement. After all, the chaff always gets ground with the grain.
This scare by the corona virus has once again shown how miniscule, irrelevant and insignificant we humans are in the vastness of the universe, that the tiniest particle like a non-cellular virus can hold the lives of millions of well-organized multicellular beings at ransom. It is a wake up call for humanity never to resort to self-destructive adventures like the atomic, chemical or biological warfare.
To start with, the corona virus has achieved the impossible, something that has never been achieved by humans before as far as memory goes back. It has brought humanity together, Although, physically separating individuals, human beings on this planet today are united intellectually and spiritually as never before in a single cause, to save themselves from this natural calamity called corona virus. No calamity in the past, the natural ones like fires, floods or famines or the manmade like the wars, crusades and genocides have thrown humans in such a panic for survival. I, being an optimist cannot miss to recognize this positivity even in this worst destructive disaster for humankind.
Being faithful, I strongly believe that whatever God does is always for our good. Atheists have invariably mocked and questioned the believers as to what good could there be in disasters, natural or manmade, either for individuals or for the entire human race. All we believers can say is that our imaginations and our intelligence will always fall short in fathoming the designs of the Almighty, or that our scientific resources will always be inadequate to gauge the positive outcomes of such calamities and disasters which may take generations to become obvious.
The Lord has his own way to restore balance in its creation, between the nature and the nurtured. Whenever humans have failed to control themselves voluntarily and democratically in the magnitude of their multiplications and/or in their disastrous egoistic and destructive pursuits, the dictatorship of the Lord had intervened to restore the sense and the semblance amongst humanity. Mythology and history have abundant examples of such happenings. It is a pity that selectivity cannot be maintained in such a mass movement. After all, the chaff always gets grinded with the grain.
This scare by corona virus has once again shown how miniscule, irrelevant and insignificant we humans are in the vastness of the universe that the tiniest particle like a non-cellular virus can hold the lives of millions of well-organized multicellular beings at ransom. It is a wakeup call for humanity never to resort to self-destructive adventures like the atomic, chemical or biological warfare.
I am by no means saying that these are welcome times. All I am saying is that in these most unwelcome times we should never lose hope, and faith in the power of prayers and the unity of purpose.
To answer the question on resilient reflections, yes, the coronavirus is changing the way we think of self-care, community and resilience. We all are far more united today than ever before in the purpose of selfcare and preservation, as well as in community care and service.
I hope this newly found resilience amongst humanity sustains and the old-fashioned dogmas are replaced by sensible and resilient debates.
Beautiful! We are all one. So true.
The barrier of distance in the world has suddenly vanished. And you find yourself praying for others unconditionally..... even those not known to you.
Hope this oneness continues till eternity.
Thank you for these encouraging words of wisdom during the time of crisis and calamities. This a major test for us, human, to refocus on our priorities and set aside our differences.
Ahmad Kaako
Thank you Darshana, we are and need to continue to be a community committed and caring for each other and our common unity! Be safe and well too!
Thank you Radha and Ahmad, we are one community indeed!
To start with, the current pandemic has achieved the impossible, something that has never been achieved by humans as far as I can remember. It has brought humanity together. Although, physically separating individuals, human beings on this planet today are united intellectually and spiritually as never before in a single cause: to save themselves from this natural calamity called Corona Virus. No calamity in the past, neither the natural ones like fires, floods or famines nor the man made catastrophes like wars, crusades and genocides have thrown humans in such a panic for survival. I, being an optimist cannot miss to recognize the positivity even in this worst destructive disaster for humankind.
Being faithful, I strongly believe that whatever God does is always for our good. Atheists have invariably mocked and questioned the believers as to what good could there be in disasters, natural or man made, either for individuals or for the entire human race. All we believers can say is that our imaginations and our intelligence will always fall short in fathoming the designs of the Almighty, or that our scientific resources will always be inadequate to gauge the positive outcomes of such calamities and disasters.
The Lord has his own way to restore balance in creation, between nature and the nurtured. Whenever humans have failed to control themselves voluntarily and democratically in the magnitude of their multiplications and/or in their disastrous egoistic and destructive pursuits, the Lord intervenes to restore sense and semblance amongst humanity. Mythology and history have abundant examples of such happenings. It is a pity that selectivity cannot be maintained in such a mass movement. After all, the chaff always gets ground with the grain.
This scare by the corona virus has once again shown how miniscule, irrelevant and insignificant we humans are in the vastness of the universe, that the tiniest particle like a non-cellular virus can hold the lives of millions of well-organized multicellular beings at ransom. It is a wake up call for humanity never to resort to self-destructive adventures like the atomic, chemical or biological warfare.
To start with, the corona virus has achieved the impossible, something that has never been achieved by humans before as far as memory goes back. It has brought humanity together, Although, physically separating individuals, human beings on this planet today are united intellectually and spiritually as never before in a single cause, to save themselves from this natural calamity called corona virus. No calamity in the past, the natural ones like fires, floods or famines or the manmade like the wars, crusades and genocides have thrown humans in such a panic for survival. I, being an optimist cannot miss to recognize this positivity even in this worst destructive disaster for humankind.
Being faithful, I strongly believe that whatever God does is always for our good. Atheists have invariably mocked and questioned the believers as to what good could there be in disasters, natural or manmade, either for individuals or for the entire human race. All we believers can say is that our imaginations and our intelligence will always fall short in fathoming the designs of the Almighty, or that our scientific resources will always be inadequate to gauge the positive outcomes of such calamities and disasters which may take generations to become obvious.
The Lord has his own way to restore balance in its creation, between the nature and the nurtured. Whenever humans have failed to control themselves voluntarily and democratically in the magnitude of their multiplications and/or in their disastrous egoistic and destructive pursuits, the dictatorship of the Lord had intervened to restore the sense and the semblance amongst humanity. Mythology and history have abundant examples of such happenings. It is a pity that selectivity cannot be maintained in such a mass movement. After all, the chaff always gets grinded with the grain.
This scare by corona virus has once again shown how miniscule, irrelevant and insignificant we humans are in the vastness of the universe that the tiniest particle like a non-cellular virus can hold the lives of millions of well-organized multicellular beings at ransom. It is a wakeup call for humanity never to resort to self-destructive adventures like the atomic, chemical or biological warfare.
I am by no means saying that these are welcome times. All I am saying is that in these most unwelcome times we should never lose hope, and faith in the power of prayers and the unity of purpose.
To answer the question on resilient reflections, yes, the coronavirus is changing the way we think of self-care, community and resilience. We all are far more united today than ever before in the purpose of selfcare and preservation, as well as in community care and service.
I hope this newly found resilience amongst humanity sustains and the old-fashioned dogmas are replaced by sensible and resilient debates.
God help us to save ourselves.
Lovely. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings. This is an opportunity for us all to re-set our priorities and find a new balance.
Beautiful source of encouragement , indeed a time when we all need to be united as humanity. Loved the wordings of Common Unity. Please take care.
Wonderful post with True Feelings for Humanity,Love Peace ad Happiness.
Dear Binita so wonderful to hear from you. What a touching show of community by the Indians! Prayers for continued strength and safety for all!