Apr 19, 2020Liked by Mukta Panda

Love Wisterias!

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People must take care of themselves so that they can take care of others. Unhealthy people not only fail to serve others, they can become burden on others.

‘Mens sana in corpore sano’ is a Latin phrase that comes from Satire X of the Roman poet Juvenal (10.356). In simple English, it means, “a healthy mind in a healthy body”. Those who believe in spirituality add the third factor, the healthy soul. When people on the whole are healthy, the community and society remain healthy and capable of helping each other.

We must differentiate between taking self-care and being selfish. While first does not hurt anyone and is a desirable attribute, the latter is totally undesirable since it implies serving own self at the cost of others.

Self-care is natural activity for me like anybody else. It starts with daily routine of body hygiene and mental thoughts about expected activities for the day. My wife and I, both octogenarians, take care of each other and our daughter looks after us.

For my physical activity I take daily walk in almost empty streets of the neighborhood. It also helps in my mental health since it provides time for undisturbed contemplation. My hobbies include reading, writing and intellectual discussions on any subject. In my discussions and writings, I use the firsthand knowledge stored in the gray cells of my brain. Occasionally, I do surf the net for information which comes very handy and useful even though it is second-hand information. After all, cumulative community knowledge is definitely superior and supplementary to the individual one. Since events have confined us to the house, we have much more time for interactions with each other on various topics.

My wife keeps herself busy with her knitting hobby. She knits blankets and prayer shawls for distribution as charity for the needy.

Spirituality occupies a lot of our time. Nowadays, apart from daily rituals of prayers and worship, we have time to watch together on television, the serial telecast of mythological Indian epic of Ramayana. It has message that righteousness always wins over the evil. There are great lessons in inter-personal relationships with family and friends at all levels, as well as with the adversaries one may encounter in life.

This is our routine in self-care these days. When mind is at ease and the heart is at the right place in a fit body, we are ready to provide selfless service.

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