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The concepts of care and love require we and they; and the connection between the two. This connection is based on the concept of mutual give and take. This connection can only be maintained so long as there is am intention and willingness to do so and the ability to pay attention, listen to and respect, not necessarily accept, each other’s views. There is a saying in Indian philosophy that the faith and the friends are best tested in the times of distress and need. They support you, stand by you, not desert you in your trying times. These bonds of faith and friendship promote a bond and allow a mutual give and receive care and love from each other. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Apart from this, care and love can be shared between total strangers too, provided a connection is established. This connection is beyond anything physical; it is purely an emotion of the heart and mind at a virtual level. All we need is to to keep our virtual antennas open to receive and transmit. The inputs can also come through audio or visual senses such as conversations and expressions.

Apart from you, no one can know you better than your best friends, irrespective of relationships. They know your strengths and weaknesses, your opportunities and threats. They would know when to alert you, protect you, support you, remind you of your capabilities and shortcomings, that you might have forgotten or misplaced. They are complimentary rather than contradictory. Even in their dissent, they are supporting you with good intentions. It is the desire to recognize and appreciate such people, to bring their best out of them, and to reciprocate their deeds with gratitude that allows us to give and receive love and care. It is to sustain and to propagate the goodness of humanity that we allow us all to give and receive care and love. It is to see the hand of God in these thoughts and actions and to pay tribute to His blessings that allows us all to give and receive care and love with each other.

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